EMDR Certifcation Consultation:
Consultation for those seeing Certification or those needing some additional case consultation.
I am a Approved Consultant, providing consultation for those seeking EMDR- Certification.
Things to think about:
I am transpaent with Consultee’s that certification is at least a year process. It is not a box to be checked but a deep dive into the 8 phases, learning how to adapt and modify the phases for your clients as needed, and a space for you to become fluent in EMDR.
I was trained and practice out of the neural mapping model for EMDR (EMDR consulting/ Roy Kiessling), which looks different than the Standard Protocol.
My areas of speciality are with Complex PTSD, Trauma, Early childhood trauma, Attachment wounds/disruptions and ego state/parts work.
Currently I provide individual and group consultation hours via zoom. I host 2 groups a month.
Please email me if you have any questions navigating the Certification process or would like to move forward with the Certification process.
SUG Group Consultation Link:
Certification Requirments:
To be eligible for Certification the following requirements have to be met (these are the minimum requirements, additional ones may be added per the Approved Consultant)
-Completion of the Course (part 1&2 & 10 hours of consultation)
-20 hours of additional consultation (10 must be individual)
-Completion of additional 12 CEU’s approved by EMDRIA
-Doing EMDR with at least 25 clients and 50 hours (a notarized statement attesting to this once you are applying for certification)
-2 Letters of recommendation (professional/ who are in your field and familiar with your work)
-Letter(s) of recommendation from your Approve Consultants(s)
-You must be in the mental health field for at least 2 years and be fully licensed at the time of your application.
- You have 5 years to complete your certification (start day is the first certification consultation)